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OCTOBER 8, 2004
Regular Stretching Can Improve Performance

When it comes to stretching, more often is better than once in awhile. A program of regular stretching seems to improve sport performance, probably by increasing muscle strength, suggests a review of research data, published in the September/October Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine.

Dr. Ian Shrier of SMBD Jewish General Hospital in Montreal analyzed previous studies of the effects of stretching on sport performance. He identified nine studies of the effects of regular stretching programs, usually lasting several weeks. Of these, seven studies found better performance with regular stretching. This included improved performance in tests of muscle force production and contraction velocity, suggesting that the benefits resulted from muscle strengthening. None of the studies found worse performance after regular stretching.

Stretching has been widely recommended to reduce the risk of exercise related injury, although recent studies have questioned whether stretching has any real effect on injury rates. Even if injury rates are not affected, the new review suggests that stretching can improve performance, if done regularly.

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